Having access to fresh clean water is a must to stay healthy and maintain a sanitary home. While you may rely on your local municipal water supply, you may be considering establishing your own well. From signs of contamination to higher bills, here are signs your property could use well drilling.


According to the EPA, almost 90% of the freshwater on Earth is trapped in glaciers. However, well drilling provides reliable access to groundwater. Your current water supply may be contaminated due to corroded pipes or a lack of maintenance from the municipal stakeholders. Smelly or discolored water isn’t safe to drink or bathe in. When you drill your water well, you can provide clean fresh water for you and your family.

Structural Damage

You may have had some extensive damage on your property that has affected your water supply. Your current water source may have sinkholes around it, preventing safe water pumping. An existing well may have begun to dry out. Natural disasters like lightning strikes, flooding, and high winds may loosen hardware, distort casing, or damage pumps and other electrical elements. Therefore, it may be time to drill a new hole in a different part of your property.

Poor Water Pressure

You may have noticed water pressure steadily decreasing. It may be a problem in your fixtures or due to an inadequate water supply. Once you tap into a reliable source of groundwater with a functioning pump, you can control your water pressure.

Higher Bills

Maybe you’re tired of seeing your bills increase. Your current water system may use excessive energy depending on the type of system you have. Plus, when you rely on your municipal water supply, that’s a bill you’ll have to pay monthly. After doing well drilling, you’ll be responsible for your water supply and only have to pay for preventative care, such as maintenance inspections and water testing.

As you can see, you have several reasons to invest in well drilling. When ready to take this step, you’ll need a reliable contractor experienced in such drilling. Our company handles water wells, geothermal drilling, irrigation pump systems, and more. Contact our team at Ace Well Drilling today to get started on your new water system.